Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wilting while they wait

By Emily Miller, Jessica Korinek and Kat Gurganus

The heat is a fierce competitor in Phoenix during the summer months. When the average temperature in June is 103 degrees, residents find various ways to battle the unforgiving heat.

Waiting over 30 minutes for a bus leads residents to tackle a tougher giant. Staying cool and out of the heat becomes more difficult when you use public transportation. One resident, William, has dealt with the heat for over 25 years and has a solution.

“That’s easy,” he said. “Just don’t come out.”

Another native, Connie, has more difficulty dealing with the heat. Growing up in Phoenix, Connie has never adapted.

“It’s too hot for me,” she said. “I can’t handle the heat.”

One resident, who migrated from Georgia, noticed that Arizona delivers a different kind of heat.

“It’s humidity verses dry,” Dan said. “This bakes you like a lot harder.”

Though outdoor activity is advised against, Dan rides his bike to the train station, keeping in mind that his final destination is cooler.

“I think about the air conditioning I’m headed to,” he said.

Even though these residents have lived in Phoenix for anumber of years, they still have to deal with the blistering heat. The locals offer first-hand knowledge of how to endure the weather.

“I wear light clothing and a hat,” William said.

Along with being mindful of what you wear, he also suggests slowing down.

“If your going someplace, take your time,” William said. “Don’t do any running for buses or trains because you can get overheated in just a couple ofseconds.”

The most important tip natives’ offer is to drink plenty of water. Filling up reusable water bottles throughout the day, will help people withstand the summer months.

“Drink a lot of water, that’s number one,” Dan said.


Dan, local Phoenix resident, rides his bike and uses public transportation even in the heat of summer.

Residents wait for the light rail on the hot streets of Phoenix.

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