It is interesting that being in this building inspires us to be better journalists and better teachers. Perhaps it is because we have been exposed to so many nationally recognized journalists over the past eight days, or maybe it has to do with the fact that we are surrounded by our fellow journalism teachers who are just as eager to better their teaching practices. But maybe . . . just maybe, it is that the spirit of Walter Cronkite lingers in the hallways, labs and lecture halls, filling us with the needed inspiration to get the job done.
Amber Lineweaver
Clayton Valley High
Concord CA
I think that the spirit of Walter creeps through these halls and inspires all of us to follow his tradition. I can close my eyes and see him crying when he announced the death of John F. Kennedy. I had just left Adelphi College to go home for Thanksgiving Break ,when they announced it over the PA system in the parking lot. Everyone ran back to the Quad to listen in stunned silence to the news. His legend lives on in all of us!