Thursday, June 23, 2011

It's all in the design

The design lesson today was very informative. I loved seeing the examples he used and listening to the critiques he gave. Our newspaper went through a redesign last year but there is always room for improvement. I was lucky enough to have my newspaper picked apart on many occasions today but each time I noticed what we did wrong. I will go back to school in August ready to teach my students about design and what we should do and not do. It was nice to get a little praise for a piece we did and I will share that with my students and encourage them to get up the work.

During our newspaper exchange at the pool at the hotel earlier this week it was very beneficial to collect ideas from other teachers at the Reynolds Institute. I will take this papers back to my school and add them to the collection of newspapers we have gathered from high schools all over the St. Louis area.

Only by looking at other papers will we learn what we want to model and what we want to leave on the cutting room floor.

Brian Heyman
Pattonville High School
Maryland Heights, Mo.

1 comment:

  1. I liked his suggestion to look to magazines for design inspiration. Andrea Heser mentioned too, as I recall.

    Steve Elliott
    Arizona State University
