Friday, June 24, 2011

Engaging presentation of press law; who knew?

I must admit I was not terribly excited about the student press law
presentation. I mean, snooze-fest, right?

And yet, this week's session with Frank LaMonte proved otherwise.
LaMonte himself was an engaging speaker who frequently used jokes to engage his audience, but he also showed us some interesting resources that I plan to use.

When I've covered law and ethics in journalism, I tend to go quickly over the material because the kids (and I) are bored to tears. But if I can just take one class period to go over the basics, then use some of the lesson plans available on the SPLC website, I might actually be able to keep my young journalists awake and engaged as they learn about the law.

Cool! The more I've learned this week, the more eager I am to get started teaching Journalism again.

Traci Peugh
North Medford High School
Medford, Ore.

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking of peppering lessons with ethics and law, rather than making it solely a unit of its own. Might stick better that way. I probably won't even mention the word "ethics" until I've done a month's worth of lessons on it.

    Gregg Long
    Lake Park High
    Roselle, IL
