By Brian Heyman, Amber Lineweaver and Traci Peugh
Let's face it. Phoenix is hot in June. Keeping cool can be a challenge, especially for visitors who are not used to the dry Arizona heat that often reaches well over 100 degrees. So how do Phoenix residents combat such extreme temperatures?
"We host Water Day every June for the kids in our YMCA summer camp program," said counseling leader Larry Williamson. "It is the highlight of our summer program and includes at least 300 kids from six different branches of the YMCA," he said.
Water is the key to keeping cool, hydrated and safe during the hottest months of the year.
"The kids who participate in the YMCA summer program also swim every day and play water games," said Sherry Neimeier, child care coordinator for the Christown YMCA. She added that it is imperative to have a program that revolves around water activities in a city that is so hot.
Phoenix resident Samuel Gomez offers an important tip for visitors. "The answer...right here: water. I drink this stuff all day long," Gomez said. "Lots of visitors don't realize the importance of keeping yourself hydrated," he added, "and sometimes people even die from the heat."
Sitting in the shade, 30-year Phoenix resident Jonas Rosenthal points out that the dry Arizona heat is preferable to the humidity in his native state of Louisiana. And although it seemed very hot on this day when the thermometer peaked at 104 degrees, Rosenthal just smiled, stating, "It ain't hot. Not yet."
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