Thursday, June 23, 2011

At the risk of sounding Halmarkish...

I have been trying to think of the right words to describe the Reynolds Institute experience for me.  The words inspiring, tiring, engaging, helpful, powerful all come to mind.  However, I think what I have  come away with the most is hope.  It is refreshing to me both professionally and personally to interact people who really care about teaching, and about kids, about each other, and about growth.
 Thank you for sharing your ideas with me, for answering my questions, for helping me to see things from a different perspective, for allowing me to take risks, and for being the catalyst for what I know will be an exciting future in my classroom.  While I am relieved and excited to return home to my family, I know with certainty that this experience will be one I return to over again and again.
Jennifer Chandler
North Harford High School
Pylesville, MD


  1. This is such an honor to participate in such an Institute. We are all lucky, and we should be sure to continue the connections we have made over the last two weeks.

    Karla Erdman
    Freedom High School
    Bethlehem, PA
